Changes In The Office Of Online and Distance Education

The Office of Online and Distance Education Is Located On 2100 Vine Street
The Office of Online and Distance Education Is Located On 2100 Vine Street

Two program changes are being made in distance programs. First, the distance delivered (online) Open Enrollment College Independent Study courses are being eliminated as of June 15, 2012. Open Enrollment College Independent Study courses are distance courses for which students can enroll anytime during the year and have six months to complete. August or December graduates who wish to use one of these courses for graduation need to enroll by June 15, 2012. For more information, go to

The second change involves the Summer Reading Courses. Distance Summer Reading Courses will no longer be offered after this summer. Registration for Summer 2012 Distance Summer Reading Courses is currently open until May 13 with classes starting May 14. Information for these courses can be found at

These two changes do not affect semester-length online and distance courses (S, X, and H) that follow the same semester schedule as on-campus, in-person courses. See for more information about these courses.

In most cases, there are alternatives in the semester-length online course offerings to the courses that are being eliminated.

Further information about all UNL distance and online courses can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Online and Distance Education (formerly Extended Education & Outreach) at (402) 472-2175 or at