CSE Bits & Bytes: Sandhills Here Today & Colloquium Tomorrow

Sandhills Publishing Here Today

Sandhills PublishingRepresentatives from Sandhills Publishing will be recruiting on campus today, January 27 from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. outside of Avery 12. Stop by to see what kind of internships and full-time jobs they have to offer. Continue reading…


Colloquium Thursday - Dr. Kwo-Sen Kuo

Dr. Kwo-Sen KuoDr. Kwo-Sen Kuo, Research Scientist, from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will be presenting on Thursday, January 28. The talk is in Avery 115 at 4:00 p.m. and is titled "Challenges to Earth Science's Big Data Future". There will be a reception at 3:30 p.m. in Avery 348. Continue reading…


Application Development Intern Position

Image Courtesy of Farm CreditFarm Credit Services of America is hiring for their summer internship program. Positions are available in Omaha, NE for Application Development. The internships pay $16/hr and housing assistance is available. You have through February 2016 to apply. Continue reading…


SBS Research Consortium Student Position

http://sbsrc.unl.edu/vision-mission-historyThe Social & Behavioral Science Research Consortium (SBSRC) is looking for a computer science undergraduate to assist with the development of certain programs and reporting tools. This student position will be paid hourly and is available immediately. Hours are flexible. Continue reading…


Cargill Global Scholars Program

Image courtesy of CargillCargill has launched the 2016 application cycle of their Global Scholars Program. In addition to an annual scholarship of $2,500 for up to two years, the program provides leadership development opportunities through seminars, networking events, and a one-on-one mentoring program with executives. Continue reading…


Apply for 2016-2017 UNL Scholarships

Photo courtesy of Granger Counseling CenterAs a reminder, you can apply for UNL scholarships for the upcoming 2016-2017 academic year. Most university, college, and departmental scholarships awarded to current undergraduate students rely on the Scholarship Application for Current Undergraduate Students on MyRed. The deadline is February 1. Continue reading…

Originally published January 27, 2016 - Submit an Item