KBase Workshop


Attend a free UNL workshop May 16-17 on KBase. Learn hands-on user-friendly genomics, metagenomics, systems, and predictive biology. For everyone from Bench Biologists through Computational Biologists/Bioinformaticians. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to attend!

Members of the KBase team will help you start using KBase on your laptop.

Day 1: User Training - Learn how KBase could be useful in your research. This session provides an opportunity to test drive the latest tools available in KBase in an interactive setting and includes how to upload microbial data, assembly, annotation and building a metabolic model, as well as analysis of microbial and plant data store in the system. This session is intended for bench biologists with no programming experience and is prerequisite for Day 2.

Day 2 Morning: Developer Training - Learn how to contribute Apps into KBase. This session will show developers how to extend the KBase platform by adding their own applications and includes architectural background on how KBase is constructed, KBase data types and data model, and basic steps needed to integrate an open-source tool so it is available as an App via the KBase Narrative Interface. This session is intended for researchers with some Unix-based programming experience in Perl, Python, Java or C. The session will be conducted in Python, and assumes Day 1 User Training or equivalent experience with the KBase Narrative Interface.

Day 2 afternoon: Consultation session - Participants can break into small groups for more customized assistance from KBase team such as to import specific datasets or plan and develop new Narratives of use in their labs.

Register at http://goo.gl/forms/HTeizyTkVg for this free workshop.