Have you or someone you've known ever been the victim of online harassment or cyberbullying? Did you know that online harassment has become a pretty big problem in our society? According to Pew Research Center, 40 percent of all Internet users — and 70 percent of those age 18 to 24 — experience harassment online. While this a pervasive problem plaguing our society, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has the resources and bright student minds that can contribute innovative solutions to address online harassment and cyberbullying.
#HackUNL is a 24-hour hackathon event where university graduate and undergraduate students come together to find a solution to end online harassment and cyberbullying.
The first #HackUNL workshop will be hosted this Friday, Feb. 17 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in TEAC 247. Stop by and meet students from different university departments, gain information about future #HackUNL events, and learn more about online harassment and cyberbullying from Empowerment Initiative doctoral student, Zach Myers.