Welcome Back from the Director of Schmid Law Library


Hello and welcome back from the law library faculty and staff. Just a few notes as we begin the semester:

Twitter and Facebook
Did you know you can follow the Schmid Law Library on Twitter (http://twitter.com/schmidlibrary ) and/or "like" the Schmid Law Library on Facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/SchmidLawLibrary)? We use both to keep you updated on what’s happening in the law library.

Just a reminder about the most frequently used listservs and their participants. If you need to send a message, please use the appropriate listserv to ensure you are reaching the individuals you want to contact. If you have any listserv questions, please see Sandy (splaczek2@unl.edu) .
Law2014@unl.edu – 1L class
Law2013@unl.edu – 2L class
Law2012@unl.edu – 3L class
Lawmls@unl.edu – mls students
lawmasters@unl.edu – Space and Telecommunications law students
alllaw@unl.edu – the entire law school community – faculty, staff & students
lawstudents@unl.edu – the entire student body
lawprofs@unl.edu – the law faculty

RECYCLING REMINDERS and ETIQUETTE for the entire Law College Community
There are 3 dumpsters for the Law College. All are located in the walled-in area outside the receiving dock which is located in the northeast corner of the law school.

• THE CARDBOARD DUMPSTER: UNL accepts only clean cardboard to recycle. The dumpster is labelled as "cardboard." This means no pizza boxes; no doughnut boxes, no subway boxes. Any cardboard container which has, or has had food of any kind is to be recycled. These all have to be considered as **trash**
• THE OTHER TWO DUMPSTERS are for trash.
• Please take the time to find the recycling containers located throughout the law school building. USE THEM. Do not just stuff your leftover food plates, or soda cans or plastic bottles in a trash can in a classroom or other room.
• If you are an organization and are cleaning out files of clean office paper---- remove the paper clips and any other bigger clip prior to putting the papers in the "office paper" recycling bins in the receiving dock.
• Newspapers are recycled in bins labelled for newspapers. These bins can be found in the receiving dock room. DO NOT just toss newspapers in with office paper recycling.
• UNL doesn't currently have a recycling program for glass. There is *one* glass recycling plastic can on the law college first floor and it's marked "glass only" --- one of the librarians takes the glass home for curb recycling, so please try and rinse out your glass bottle first.

Please remember: the University is assessed a penalty fine from the company that handles the contract for recycling with UNL if recycling materials exceed a certain percentage of improperly mixed materials.

Thanks for your help in recycling!