Help your student plan a Fall Break adventure

Fall Break is the perfect time to get outside or getaway.
Fall Break is the perfect time to get outside or getaway.

Mid-semester is the perfect time for students to find a way to relax – and to enjoy the great outdoors before winter. The Outdoor Adventures Center (OAC) will offer four Fall Break trips, October 13-17:

  • Ozark Backpacking
  • Ozark Rock Climbing
  • Katy Trail Bike Tour
  • Whitewater Kayaking

Each trip includes transportation to/from the destination, experienced and knowledgeable student trip leaders, delicious meals, and all the necessary gear. Neither past experience nor skills are required for students to participate.

OAC’s trips are designed to enhance and diversify students’ experiences through adventure and experiential education.

“Fall Break trips allow you to meet a diverse group of people you wouldn’t normally interact with – and can push you out of your comfort zone,” says trip leader Spencer Myrlie.
To get more information about the Outdoor Adventures Center’s trips, check out:
Another option for fall break is to plan a trip on your own. Nebraska has a lot to offer, especially with the changing colors of the fall season. Students can explore local and state parks with supplies from the Outdoor Adventures Center. The OAC offers equipment rental for items like mountain bikes, tents, sleeping bags, kayaks, canoes and more. Get more information at

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