Tool Designed to Help Your Student Explore Majors & Careers

This tool makes it easy to walk though all five states of career exploration.
This tool makes it easy to walk though all five states of career exploration.

Is your student considering a change in his or her career path?

Exploring majors and careers is a process that looks unique for each student. This brand new tool illustrates five stages of major and career exploration: assess, investigate, connect, experiment, and decide. Some students will benefit from all five stages of the process, while other students may choose to focus on certain stages over others. Some students may even find it beneficial to revisit some stages more than once.

If your student is rethinking their career goals, encourage them to visit the Career Services office, located in 225 NE Union to meet 1:1 with an advisor. Advisors are available for walk-in sessions or by appointment to work with your student to discuss exploration activities that fit their unique goals.

View the new major and career exploration tool.

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