Is Your RSO Having a Raffle?

Raffle Tickets
Raffle Tickets

All raffles are considered a form of gambling, and must comply with several Nebraska laws. Before you hold a raffle, follow these steps.
* Pick up a raffle Packet from SOFS that explains the process.
* Raffles must be registered with Student Involvement and file a completed Event Planning and Registration Form (EPR) and Raffle Authorization Form, complete with all required approvals, before ordering or selling raffle tickets.
* To qualify for a raffle, 100 percent of the prizes to be awarded must be merchandise prizes not redeemable for cash.
* Additional regulations are included in the raffle packet. For the most current detailed information, contact the SOFS Office.
State Law
According to state law, all raffle proceeds must go to a charitable organization or be used for community betterment purposes such as donations, scholarships, speakers, etc and must not exceed $5,000.00.

Split-the-pot and 50/50 contests are considered lotteries by the state of Nebraska and RSOs are NOT allowed to hold them.