April Employee Update


Welcome to SNR
Welcome to the Creel Clerks working for Chris Chizinski around the state of Nebraska.
Donald Bohnenkamp
Sean Farrier
Joe Fontaine
Jake Koenig
Gerald Ryschon
Philip Stollberg

Elaine Connelly, Nebraska Maps and More and SNR Office Associate for Sales will be retiring on June 28. She has served UNL for many years in the Maintenance Department, NET (Public Radio, membership services), Mechanical Engineering, Mid-America Transportation Services, and Agricultural Meteorology before becoming part of SNR when it was formed. We thank her for her service and dedication and wish her the best of luck in her retirement.

Lisa Oswald, Research Technologist working as a lab manager in Amy Burgin and Steve Thomas’s labs, has taken a position with Agricultural Research Service at their facility in Florence, South Carolina. Her last day with SNR is April 19.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating birthdays in April, May, June
Clark Archer
Tonya Bernadt
Bruce Bolander
Mary Brown
Dave Cassada
Elaine Connelly
Sara Cooper
JoLeisa Cramer
William England
Amber Fandrich
Brian Hammond
Kyle Hoagland
Joyce Hurst
Scott Hygnstrom
Sandra Jones
John Lenters
Colin Peake
Karina Schoengold
Robert Shepard
Gary Willson

Hannah Birge
Duane Eversoll
Denise Gutzmer
Caroline Jezierski
Sharon Kelly
Theresa Lorenzo
Sunil Narumalani
Tapan Pathak
Larkin Powell
Ceci Romero
Pat Shea
Patty Swanson
Joe Szilagyi
Nicole Wall
Jinsheng You

Emma Brinley Buckley
Noelle Chaine
Bob Diffendal
Cindy Hays
Michelle Hellman
Wei Huang
Juan Jaimes Correa
Matt Joeckel
Bob Oglesby
Kevin Pope
Karl Reinhard
Dorian Roffe-Hammond
Scott Stuhr
Betty Walter-Shea
Dave Wedin
Aaron Young