Wine workshops scheduled for Nov. 19-20


Two wine workshops are planned by UNL this month.

The first, "Wine Evaluation 101," is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at the downtown Lincoln Holiday Inn. It's for anyone who wonders just what wine connoisseurs mean when they say things like "redolent of cassis," or "overtones of capsicum," or "crisp acidity with grapefruit and melon in the nose."

Led by Paul Read, UNL horticulture professor, the seminar will include condensed versions of several sessions of the "Vines, Wines and You" course Read teaches at UNL. Participants will begin to gain a mastery of the subtle nuances and practical aspects of wine evaluation. At least five classic red and five classic white varietal wines will be tasted.

Cost is $40 per person, with a special couple's rate of $65. Online registration is available at

An all-day workshop titled "Great Cultivars, Old, New and More" is scheduled Nov. 20, also at the downtown Lincoln Holiday Inn. This workshop is aimed at people who work in the grape and wine industry. It will include several presentations on the University of Minnesota's grape breeding program, featuring Peter Hemstad, grape breeder with the university.

The workshop goes from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closing with a Nebraska wine tasting.

Cost is $70 for members of the Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Association, which is cosponsoring the workshop with UNL's Viticulture Program; $50 for an additional person from the same grower; and $80 for nonmembers.

Registration for this workshop also is available at

- Dan Moser, IANR News Service