Today@UNL | Upgrades extend chilled water outage; Exhibit to open Women's Week activities

A new chiller unit is moved into place in the City Campus utility plant in early February.
A new chiller unit is moved into place in the City Campus utility plant in early February.

Utility upgrades to extend chilled water outage

An upgrade to the City Campus utility plant will extend a chilled water outage beyond spring break week. The updated dates for the chilled water outage are March 15-27. During the outage, workers will continue an upgrade to City Campus chiller units. Continue reading…


Hillmann retirement reception is March 14

Gerald HillmannA retirement reception for Gerald Hillmann will be 2-4 p.m. March 14, in the auditorium at Facilities Management Shops, 942 N. 22nd St. The reception is free and open to the public. Hillmann has worked as a mechanic at UNL for nearly 40 years. Continue reading…


AIA lecture to feature Tulane researcher

Jane CarterThe Lincoln-Omaha Society of the Archaeological Institute of America lecture series continues with a 7:30 p.m., March 12 talk by Tulane University's Jane Carter. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is in Avery Hall, room 115. Continue reading…


Purdue researcher's talk is March 13

Kim BuhmanPurdue University researcher Kim Buhman will discuss her work in a 4 p.m., March 13 lecture in the Beadle Center, room N172. The talk, part of the Biochemistry/Redox Biology Center Seminar Series, is free and open to the public. Continue reading…


Nebraska Innovation Competition is March 13

The Nebraska Innovation Competition opens at 8 a.m., March 13 at Embassy Suites. This business plan competition is for student-created, managed, and owned ventures. Teams are separated into graduate and undergraduate levels. Each team has 15 minutes to present an idea for a new venture. Continue reading…

Originally published March 12, 2012 - Submit an Item