Five UNL faculty participate in CIC seminar

The Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs sponsored the participation of five UNL faculty members for the Committee on Institutional Cooperation’s Department Executive Officers Seminar.

Participants for the 2012-2013 seminar were Timothy Carr, interim chair of nutrition and health sciences; Gwendolyn Combs, chair of management; Roch Gaussoin, department head of agronomy and horticulture; Sherri Jones, director and chair of special education and communication disorders and Judy Walker, chair of mathematics.

In 1997, the CIC initiated an annual program of leadership development opportunities for department heads and chairs. Each year, approximately 50 department heads and chairs from CIC universities come together for the DEO seminar. Topics at the three-day event range from conflict resolution and time management to faculty development, performance reviews and group problem- solving. This year’s program was held Oct. 11-13 in Chicago.

For more information on the five UNL faculty who participated in the seminar, go to

Individual department heads and chairs are selected by their campuses. For information about the CIC’s Department Executive Officers Seminar and this year’s participants, contact UNL’s DEO liaison, Lance C. Pérez, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, at or 402-472-3751.

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