Goetsch Earns Master's Degree

Brad Goetsch with Sara (spouse), Lily, and Logan at UNL's Graduation Ceremony for the Graduate College.
Brad Goetsch with Sara (spouse), Lily, and Logan at UNL's Graduation Ceremony for the Graduate College.

I will write this in the first person, because writing it in the third person just feels weird. In May I graduated from my Master’s program earning my Master’s of Science in Leadership Education! I finished the program in just under four years. I would have liked to do it in two, but having two kids during my time in the program slowed me down a bit. I figure, I get one extra year per child :-).

While in the program, I turned most of my focus toward improving my teaching abilities. I took classes in Leadership, Program Planning, Advanced Teaching, Educational Psychology and Statistics. I have no doubt that these courses helped me to improve my teaching abilities and they have given me the tools to continue to improve as I progress through my career.

In addition to the coursework, I also completed a thesis project as part of my program requirements. My thesis project was aimed at creating a historical review of the PGA Golf Management Program at UNL. The entire project was completed using publicly available data and serves as a timeline of the program up through the end of writing in April of 2017. My hope is that a future grad student will pick up the project in a decade or so and add the next ten years to it! For anyone interested in the final product of this project, visit this link (digital commons).

More details at: http://pgm.unl.edu/