We are starting week four of the spring 2023 semester. Hopefully you have settled into your classes, found a study routine, and are engaging in activities outside of your classes. Please be sure you are thinking ahead to Priority Enrollment. If you have a First Year Advising Hold, or a Graduation Continue reading…
Advising appointments are available for meetings via In-Person or Zoom. Visit the new Student Success Hub to schedule an appointment with Carmen (you can see your assigned advisor in MyRED or the Student Success Hub). If scheduling an online zoom meeting, the instructions for connecting to the Zoom Continue reading…
Drop-in advising is great for short questions about course information, grade option, completing forms and other things of that nature. Students should schedule an academic advising appointment to discuss degree plans and goal setting. Drop-in advising is available via zoom only, you will enter the Zoom waiting room at https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising and be seen in the order you entered.
Carmen’s Drop-Ins - Tuesdays from 1- 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
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Spring 2023 Academic Calendar
February 4 (Sat.) - April 21 (Fri.) All course withdrawals noted with a grade of "W" on academic record
February 17 (Fri.) Last day to withdraw from a full semester course and receive 25% refund
March 6 (Mon.) - Continue reading…
More details at: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar/
Join us THIS WEEK for a colloquium titled "Narrative Mapping: Centering Rural, Latinx Adolescent Voices through Communicated Sense-Making." The discussion will take place on February 15 from 12-1 pm in LPH 306. See you there! Continue reading…
As college students, we have the right to be healthy! Take this survey to impact the way health decisions are presented to Undergraduates so we can live healthier lives! Questions? Reach out to Haley Sawyer at hsawyer2@huskers.unl.edu Continue reading…
More details at: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5772ijADClz5oCW?fbclid=PAAabIyY2NH61mqeeTgGrn5HtcES6YB0SfDgajDE4_F46cicVs_YDOpZuVW6Q
Margaret Jacobs will give the talk "In search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands", part of the 2022-23 College of Arts and Sciences Inquire lecture series, at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 21 in the Union Auditorium. The talk is free and open to the public and will also be livestreamed on Zoom. Continue reading…
More details at: https://cas.unl.edu/cas-inquire
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement and the Husker Vote Coalition are seeking motivated undergraduate and graduate students to serve as Vote Ambassadors. Vote Ambassadors will assist in helping students register to vote for the 2023 Lincoln Primary and General Election. As an ambassador, students receive training to serve as Deputy Registrars and engage in this meaningful, hands-on opportunity to contribute to the political process and build experience and skills in political organizing and voter engagement. This includes setting up info tables around campus, speaking to Recognized Student Organizations or classrooms about the upcoming election. Continue reading…
More details at: https://forms.office.com/r/sXTufHeQAb
Learning Community Peer Mentors are upper-division students who provide support for first-year students and work with faculty and staff to enhance the first-year experience of these students. The purpose of the Peer Mentor is to encourage and assist first-year students in their social and academic transition to UNL.
Some of the typical responsibilities of mentors include:
• Supporting first-year students as they transition to life at UNL
• Planning and leading co-curricular programs
• Building community with students in their Learning Community
• Working as a liaison between the students and faculty in a Learning Community
• Being a team player on the Learning Community team
Mentors work an average of 6-7 hours/week and are compensated hourly at a rate of $10.55/hour. A 3.0 cumulative GPA is required to serve as a Learning Community Peer Mentor.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, February 22nd, 2022. The application can be found at unl.erezlife.com.
If you know of any students who may be interested in this opportunity, please pass this information along. Any questions can be directed to Emily Madsen at emadsen4@unl.edu.
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More details at: https://unl.erezlife.com
Feb. 26th (Sun), 4:30 pm—5:30 pm. CAS Career Coaches will guide students on a pre-event tour of the career fair venue and equip them with expert tips so that the students will feel more confident attending the fair. Students affiliated with First Generation, OASIS, WHT, TRIO-SSS, NCPA, CAST, and any Continue reading…
More details at: https://events.unl.edu/CASCareerDev/2023/02