Happy Thanksgiving Communication Studies Students!
Just a reminder that Wednesday, November 27th is a student holiday, but campus offices are open if you have last minute questions before the extended break. Continue reading…
Just a reminder that Wednesday, November 27th is a student holiday, but campus offices are open if you have last minute questions before the extended break. Continue reading…
Advising appointments are available for meetings via In-Person or Zoom. Visit the Student Success Hub to schedule an appointment with Carmen (you can see your assigned advisor in MyRED or the Student Success Hub). If scheduling an online zoom meeting, the instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting are in your appointment confirmation email sent to your huskers.unl.edu email account.
Learn more about Student Success Hub at https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/nextatnebraska/15233/85568
If you need help identifying or connecting with other advisors or a career coach, contact the CAS Academic and Career Advising Center at casadvising@unl.edu or (402) 472-4190.
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Drop-in advising is great for short questions about course information, grade option, completing forms and other things of that nature. Students should schedule an academic advising appointment to discuss degree plans and goal setting. Drop-in advising is available via zoom only, you will enter the Zoom waiting room at https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising and be seen in the order you entered.
Carmen’s Drop-Ins - Tuesdays from 1- 3 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Continue reading…
November 27 (Wed.) Student Holiday (UNL offices open)
November 28 – December 1 (Thu.- Sun.) Thanksgiving Vacation (UNL offices closed)
December 14 (Sat.) Last day of classes
December 16 - 20 (Mon. - Fri.) Fall Semester Final Exams Continue reading…
Majors and minors can use this 3-week experience (Zoom sessions from May 19-23, 2025 from 9-11:30 am and two weeks in Ischia, Italy from June 9-24) toward one of their 300-level requirements. Continue reading…
The Minority Health Disparities Initiative invites students, scholars, and practitioners to submit an abstract for a poster presentation at our annual 2025 Health Equity Conference. This event will be held at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, on February 28, 2025. The poster session will take place from 10:30–11:30 AM CT.
Abstracts featuring research or practice-oriented projects are welcome, particularly those that provide theoretical frameworks or practical insights. Submissions from undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members, government organizations, and community members or organizations are encouraged. Topics should ideally address health disparities and health equity among minoritized, marginalized, and vulnerable populations.
The submission deadline for abstracts is Friday, December 6, 2024, at 11:59 PM CT. For more information and to submit an abstract, please visit: https://mhdi.unl.edu/2025-mhdi-health-equity-conference-call-abstracts.
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This $5,000 scholarship awards those who have an interest in working in local, state, or federal government service and exhibit the breadth and depth in arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences that PBK holds important to a well-rounded education. Membership in PBK is not required!
For students who are graduating between December 2025 and May 2027. Accepting applications until January 21, 2025.
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Please submit proposals for our regional Undergraduate Communication Studies and English Conference (UCEC), which will be held at the University of St. Thomas on April 25, 2025. Our conference theme is The Art of Storytelling, and our keynote speaker is Julie Censullo. See the CFP attached. The deadline for proposals is January 15, 2025. Continue reading…
Husker Pantry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln supports students facing food and hygiene insecurity. Open to all enrolled students, it offers non-perishable food and hygiene products through a simple online ordering system. Community contributions keep the pantry functioning. Continue reading…
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