COMM Connections

Scoial Justice
Scoial Justice

Writing to Learn and Learning to Write: Social Justice and Poverty in Lincoln

The Department of Communication Studies is co-sponsoring with the Nebraska Honors program and UNL Libraries entitled Writing to Learn and Learning to Write: Social Justice and Poverty in Lincoln.
This half day writing workshop will be held on January 21, Martin Luther King Jr Day, from 12:30-6pm. As a part of this program, students will participate in a 2-hour Poverty Simulation put on by Leadership Lincoln and will learn how to move from observation of a social problem to identifying a research interest that explores that problem to formulating research questions. Students will learn the basics of identifying relevant and credible sources using library databases, Google Scholar, and common search engines. Students will also learn how to approach writing and structuring a literature review. I would love for students to become familiar with this opportunity before the end of the break. Open to any undergraduate student with an interest--you do not need to be an Honors student to register and participate!
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please register at
If you have questions, please direct them to Dr. Kathy Castle.

More details at:
Originally published January 7, 2019 - Submit an Item