Academic Advising Association

Pair Up for Networking

CoffeeThe AAA Networking Committee is pairing advisors across campus with colleagues to talk, learn, and connect during one-on-one conversations (in-person or virtually). We’ll make the match, and you plan the when and where. Keep reading for how to participate. Continue reading…


ACB Agenda, March 2, 2021

1. ADA/504 Training for Supervisors – Ryan Fette (10:00)
2. Pre-Genetic Counseling as a pre-professional advising area – Katie Kerr (10:10)
3. Husker Starter Pack – Jenni Brost (10:15)
4. Summer Aid Application & FAFSA priority deadline – Kristy Saunders (10:25)
5. Priority Registration/Enrollment updates – Kimberly Kraska (10:35)
6. Withdrawal Process – Bill Watts (10:45)
7. AAA updates – Rachel Wesley (11:05)
8. Global Experiences – Rebecca Baskerville (11:10)
9. Announcements

Continue reading…

Originally published April 3, 2021 - Submit an Item