
ANTH Header
ANTH Header

Week 1: Welcome and Welcome Back

Welcome back to another academic year! As the Academic Advisor for Anthropology, I will be sending out a weekly newsletter. This will include academic calendar dates, department and campus events, my appointment availability and other important information.

Olivia Miller
Olivia Miller

Academic Advising Updates

Olivia Miller is the Academic Advisor for Anthropology, Geography and Global Studies majors. She is located in 818 Oldfather Hall and you can schedule an appointment with her via MyPLAN. Continue reading…

Education Abroad Fair
Education Abroad Fair

Attend the Education Abroad Fair: September 17

Education Abroad will be hosting their Education Abroad Fair September 17th from 11am-2pm in the Union Plaza. Stop by and learn about programs and see where you might go!

Career Coaches
Career Coaches

Career Coach Corner

Career Coaching is available in the Advising Center with our Career Coaches Kristen Aldrich and Meagan Savage. They are here to assist you in your career development process. Watch for career related announcements in their weekly "Career Coach Corner." Continue reading…

Lincoln Literacy
Lincoln Literacy

Internship with Lincoln Literacy

Lincoln Literacy, a multi-award-winning charitable provider of language and literacy services, is looking for 2 interns this fall semester to teach English to new immigrants and refugees in our community. Commitment is 6-8 hours per week. Apply TODAY! Continue reading…

Originally published August 26, 2019 - Submit an Item