
Week 13: Stay on Track
Week 13: Stay on Track

Week 13: Stay on Track

Hopefully you have adjusted well to being back in classes. Make sure you are keeping a track of assignments, exams, quizzes or papers remaining. Talk to your professors, join a study group, organize your time. Don't forget that only 4 weeks remain until finals.


Anthropology ACE 10: ANTH 442

If you will be graduating during the 2020-2021 academic year and still in need of an ACE 10 you will need to take ANTH 442, Human Variation, either this summer or fall. This will be the only ACE 10 offering during this time, please visit with Olivia if you have questions or concerns.


UNL Women's Center: NOW HIRING

Are you looking for a meaningful undergraduate student staff position at UNL? Consider applying to work at the UNL Women’s Center! Four positions are open for the fall. Applications for all positions are due 4/24. Continue reading…


Career Coach Corner

Career Coaches are here to help you find jobs on campus, explore majors and career options, develop your resume, create/update your Handshake account, find internships and more! Schedule online using MyPLAN or email to get the conversations started. Continue reading…


SOIL 101: Soil & Society

Explore the connections between SCIENCE,
ART, and HISTORY through the study of soils. This is an online course being offered in the fall and fulfills ACE 5.

Originally published April 6, 2020 - Submit an Item