School of Art, Art History & Design News

Tonight, 7:30 p.m., April 3rd, Hixson-Lied Visiting Scholar: Caroline Sturdy Colls Ph.D.

Caroline Sturdy CollsTwo forensic archaeology lectures to be presented by Staffordshire University's Sturdy Colls. The first of the two lectures, “Finding Treblinka: Forensic and Archaeological Approaches to Nazi Death Camps,” will be tonight, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. in Richards Hall Rm. 15. Continue reading…

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Fall 2017 Special Topic: Create-Compute-Compete

Students will combine creative thinking and computational thinking in this new course.ARTS 298 Special Topics: Create - Compute - Compete will be taught online in the Fall 2017. Students will combine creative thinking and computational thinking in fun and unexpected ways, boost their ability to get ideas and to solve problems, and prepare to compete in the contemporary workplace. Continue reading…

Originally published April 3, 2017 - Submit an Item