Capstone Exhibition and Closing Reception
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s 2017 Spring Capstone Exhibition is on display through May 5th in the MEDICI Gallery, Eisentrager-Howard Gallery and the surrounding hallway on the first floor of Richards Hall.
Please join us for a closing reception on Friday, May 5 from 5-7 p.m. in the Eisentrager- Howard Gallery. Awards will be announced at 6 p.m.
This exhibition features the work of 30 graduating Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts majors in studio art from the School of Art, Art History and Design. Each student has written a statement to accompany their works, and those will be on view as well in three binders—one in the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery and two in the hallway.
The Capstone exhibition is held biannually at the end of the fall and spring semesters and presents the work of each semester’s graduating seniors as a culmination of their coursework and exploration in studio art and design at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Participation is part of the ACE (Achievement-Centered Education) 10 Capstone course. Scholarly emphasis is in advanced visual and design research development, peer and professional collaboration, and critical thinking.
Fourteen studio art students will present their work:
Derek Benoist
Hannah Blundon
Madeline Cass
Alex Ficke
Alissa Harris
Natalie Henning
Mitch Hilzer
Ian Karss
Angie Nord
Victoria Norton
Arianna Morfeld
Rikki Newman
Ricardo Rodriguez
Olivia Vogel
Sixteen graphic design students will present their work:
Matthew Bailey
J$ Chavez
Madeline Christensen
Anna Drehs
Jake Headid
Briannah Hunt
Michael Johnson
Olivia Konert
Collin Rassmussen
Bonnie Ricketts
Kelsie Rotert
Jayme Sedarberg
Anna Sousek
Helen Stigge
Huy Tran
Stephanie Whittsett
The gallery spaces are open Monday-Friday, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. Richards Hall is located at Stadium Drive and T sts on the UNL city campus.