Biological Systems Engineering

Burre Fedde
Burre Fedde

Burr/Fedde & Friends Reunion

Plans for the 2017 Burr, Fedde & Friends Reunion are well underway and IANR already has over 200 people signed up! The event will be held on June 10, 2017, and there is a opportunity for BSE to participate by hosting a tour or activity. Continue reading…


CE Seminar Series: Dr. Ranjan Srivastava

SrivastavaWe received a request from Civil Engineering to share this seminar with you. Dr. Ranjan Srivastava will be visiting UNL from the University of Connecticut – Storrs. His talk, entitled "Evolutionary Principles as an Engineering Design Paradigm" is part of a larger series. Continue reading…


Upcoming Events

2/24/17: Applications for Alumni Masters Week due in the CoE Dean's Office
3/1/17: BSE Magazine stories due to Julie Thomson
4/10 - 4/12/17: Water for Food Conference
4/13/17: College of Engineering Awards Luncheon, Wick Alumni Center

Originally published February 21, 2017 - Submit an Item