Biological Systems Engineering

Congratulations to Angie Pannier!

Angie PannierAngie Pannier successfully secured a grant entitled, "Understanding Molecular Factors that Regulate Initiation of Porcine Embryo Elongation,” from USDA-NIFA. She will be the lead PI on this project.


Congratulations to Linda Schott!

Linda SchottLinda Schott, doctoral student in BSE working with Amy Schmidt, was recently selected to participate in the “Preparing Future Faculty Program” offered by the Office of Sponsored Programs.
We are excited to support Linda as she takes this next step in her career!


UNL Lawn Mower Clinic

MowerHelp support the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the Mechanized Systems Management Student Club at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by bringing your small engine for annual maintenance. The student clubs will set up on the east side of the Tractor Test Lab. Continue reading…


From the Business Center...

FCHThis is the first installment of a regular feature from the FCH (Filley Hall / L.W. Chase Hall) Business Center.

2017 Employee Expense Voucher
An updated form for you to use when submitting expenses is located in SAPPHIRE in Firefly:
*Click on UNL
*Click on Travel
*Click on Employee Expense Voucher Continue reading…


Upcoming Events

4/10 - 4/12/17: Water for Food Conference
4/13/17: CoE Awards Luncheon, Wick Alumni Center
4/17/17: Faculty Meeting at 10 am, 219 Chase Hall
4/21/17: BSE Spring Banquet
5/8 - 5/9/17: CIPA Annual Undergrad Mtg
5/18/17: BSE Faculty Retreat


Do you have an item you'd like to submit?

If you have news to share with BSE, please forward your items to Shannon Parry ( by Noon on Mondays for inclusion in the Tuesday edition.

Also, if you or someone you know would like to receive these mailings in your email in-box weekly, please let Shannon know at the address above.

Originally published April 11, 2017 - Submit an Item