Biological Systems Engineering

The Red Noses of BSE Staff
The Red Noses of BSE Staff

BSE Staff represent on Red Nose Day!

Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign for from Comic Relief, Inc, a non-profit 501c3, held on Thursday, May 25th.
Donations go to a variety of well-known organizations that help kids. Find out more about these donations and Comic Relief's efforts on their website at


WannaCry Update

UITS has been working to ensure that the WannaCry global cyber attack does not effect UNL machines. Update patches have been sent out to all UNL machines - if you have one that has not been brought on campus in some time, please do so and allow for this critical update to be installed.


From the Business Center...

This is a regular feature with important information for you.

Travel Reimbursements
Remember on one day trips, lunch is not allowed for reimbursement. Also, when traveling to multiple locations, arrival and departure times are needed.


Upcoming Events

6/25-6/28: 2017 ASEE Annual Conference
7/16-7/19: 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting


Do you have an item you'd like to submit?

If you have news to share with BSE, please forward your items to Shannon Parry ( by Noon on Mondays for inclusion in the Tuesday edition.

Also, if you or someone you know would like to receive these mailings in your email in-box weekly, please let Shannon know at the address above.

Originally published May 30, 2017 - Submit an Item