Welcome David Jones!
Dr. David Jones, PhD and PE, will begin as BSE's Interim Department Head on Monday, July 3rd, 2017.
Dr. David Jones, PhD and PE, will begin as BSE's Interim Department Head on Monday, July 3rd, 2017.
The National Association of County Agricultural Agents notified us last week that John Hay was selected by his peers to receive the organization's Distinguished Service Award!
As the notice states, "John's award will be presented at [the] association's National Meeting in Salt Lake City," Utah.
Congratulations to Suat Irmak and his Ph.D. student Meetpal S. Kukal, who will be receiving the ASABE Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award for their refereed publication titled “Observed Space and Time Changes in Air Temperatures and Daily Temperature Range for The USA Great Plains Counties from 1968 Continue reading…
Congratulations to Deepak Keshwani, who has joined other UNL faculty to secure a grant from NIFA! Their press release at the link below, or click on "continue reading."
https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDANIFA/bulletins/1a5b571 Continue reading…
Congratulations are in order for Joe Luck and John Gilley, who were both awarded Superior Paper Awards from ASABE!
The papers are... Continue reading…
Stuart O. Nelson, ASABE Fellow, was honored with the prestigious Career Excellence Award at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference in Torino, Italy, in May. Continue reading…
From Nebraska Today:
"Stacks of excess frozen hamburger patties have fired up a tasty summer tradition at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
For the last five summers, housing employees at the East Union Café and Grill have held summer “grill out” events on most Wednesdays and Fridays... Continue reading…
Maps highlighting the effects of drought on six agricultural commodities across the continental U.S. became available in late May on a website hosted by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Continue reading…
More details at: http://drought.unl.edu
Business Purpose
A detailed business purpose must be provided on all travel and non-travel reimbursement requests. It should include a phrase denoting how the expense(s) incurred further the mission of the University. For example, instead of just stating “research”, state “research conducted in NE Continue reading…
7/16-7/19: 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting
If you have news to share with BSE, please forward your items to Shannon Parry (sparry3@unl.edu) by Noon on Mondays for inclusion in the Tuesday edition.
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