Biological Systems Engineering

Congratulations to these MSYM honor roll students!

.Austin Allen, Benjamin Barelman, Wayne Belew, Ryan Dorn, Micah Erickson, Turner Hagen, Tucker Hartley, Gage Hoegermeyer, Michaela Horn, Jake Judge, Jeremy Sousek, Parker Wallin, Colby Wilkinson, Mitchell Zobel


BSE colloquia now open to the public

The colloquium series launched in the Biological Systems Engineering Department last fall was so popular with the department’s staff and students that the committee heading it up has launched a new series for spring 2018 and opened it to the public. Continue reading…


Upcoming Events

Feb. 7 Christopher Neale colloquium, 3:30 p.m. in 116 Chase Hall
Feb. 9 ASABE soup fundraiser, 11:30-1:30 p.m.


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Originally published February 1, 2018 - Submit an Item