Just a reminder to those who signed up for chair massages (provided by UNL Campus Recreation). The massages will be this Thursday and Friday from 12-1pm in Abbott.
Please join Dean Button and the Staff Council on Thursday, February 27th for a lunch and learn. Continue reading…
Imagine suddenly you catch a whiff of someone’s perfume or cologne. Within minutes your eyes begin to water, you start to sneeze, it’s difficult to take a deep breath, your head starts to pound. This is what some people experience due to fragrance sensitivity. Continue reading for more information Continue reading…
"She's a rockstar and continues to do so much for the training grant and CCFL!" -Anonymous
Join us next Thursday, February 20th at 1:30 pm for Procurement’s monthly PED Talk. We will be discussing Non-Competitive Procurement with Maggie Witt, Director of Procurement.
Please join us via Zoom Meeting #962-741-866 or click on https://unl.zoom.us/j/962741866
Bring your lunch to Oldfather 430G on Friday February 21 at 12pm for an informal and educational session with EAP. Continue reading…