Center on Children, Families, and the Law

Message from Eve - Happy Holidays!

winterThe calendar year is almost over, which always makes me reflect on the past and look toward the future. Thank you to all of you have welcomed me back to CCFL. I have very much enjoyed getting to know each of you and the great work you are doing. Continue reading…


Holiday party

partyThank you to Krista, Shelly, and Paulette for all of your work on our holiday fun. Even though the icy weather cut our festivities short, the food was amazing and the company even better. Continue reading…


Child Welfare Workforce

teamMichelle Graef and her CCFL team were celebrated this past Tuesday at the Van Brunt Visitor’s Center for receiving a $15 million research grant to examine and strengthen the child welfare agencies' workforce across the nation. Continue reading…

Originally published December 19, 2016 - Submit an Item