The Census Bureau needs to hire 500,000 census takers in 2020. In order to meet this goal, positions are now open from $12.50-$15.50. Applying early to work as a census taker is a great way to receive spring and summer service employment next year! To apply, visit
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Fall break is often filled with cool breezes and warm food. This year, you can fill it with service. From October 19 through October 22, opportunities are available to serve those still impacted by spring flooding. To register, visit and bring warmth to Nebraska communities
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CCE is looking for two groups of students to participate in the Red Card Green Card program. RCGC polices the sale of alcohol to minors in the Lincoln community. Half your group must be 21 and up, and each group will be paid! If your group is interested, contact ASAP!
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Attend this Service-Study ASB to the Deep South after the holidays! Students will serve from Birmingham to Tuskegee and more, while learning about the civil rights movement's impact on voting. To register, login using your canvas account at Continue reading…
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Sat, Oct 19
Join us in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that granted women the right to vote. The program will feature scholars from UNL and other institutions, as well as Nebraska women in elected office. Continue reading…