Happy (almost) Spring Break! This week seems to be pretty crazy for a lot of students in regards to homework, projects, and tests. REMEMBER SATURDAY IS COMING!!!!!! Hope your break is filled with fun and relaxation! Continue reading…
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/oswm
Volunteers with the VITA program are providing free tax preparation for International students and scholars every Tuesday (even over Spring Break) from 1-6PM in the Unity Room (#212) of Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center. Bring your passport, treaty documents, and financial or income statements. Continue reading…
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/6sct
The Center for Civic Engagement is still accepting applications for the Guatemala ASB. Stop by room 222 NE Union ASAP to pick up the application. Continue reading…
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/ovi9
One BIG day. One BIG thanks. The Big Event is a way for students, faculty, and staff to show gratitude to the Lincoln community through completing one day of service-oriented activities for neighbors and community organizations.
Sign up to volunteer at http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/bigevent/ Continue reading…
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/h0zr