Join us for the Spring Service-Study ASB to Denver Colorado over Spring Break! Service and learning experiences will be focused on refugee resettlement in the area. Create a profile at, and start your application today!
More details at:
Learn what makes a house a home by traveling with us to Guatemala this May on the Summer Service-Study ASB. Create a profile at and start your application today!
The Certificate program is designed to encourage students to not only focus on academics throughout their undergrad, but also to be civically engaged. Participants will develop skills in 6 areas of civic engagement over the course of 4 semesters. Create a profile at the link below and apply today!
More details at:
AmeriCorps VISTA is seeking tutors and mentors for their Boys Hope Girls Hope program at Lincoln North Star High School. A semester-long commitment is preferred, and there will be two tutoring sessions each week. Contact for more information.
Each workday begins with a short worship service at 9:30am at the Chapel 1510 Q St. Community service follows worship and goes until 12:30pm. Please arrive at 10:15am to learn more about the work assignments if you are not interested in attending worship. Complete the form below to register!
More details at: