The COE Update

Christine Wittich (left), Hunter Flodman (center) and Jiong Hu.
Christine Wittich (left), Hunter Flodman (center) and Jiong Hu.

Christine Wittich, Hunter Flodman & Jiong Hu earn university awards

Christine Wittich (Edgerton Junior Faculty Award) and Hunter Flodman and Jiong Hu (College Distinguished Teaching Award) were chosen to receive prestigious honors given annually by the University. They will be recognized at the University’s annual The Laurels awards reception on Sept. 17

More details at:

ACHIEVEMENTS: Faculty, students honored

Recent awards and honors earned by College of Engineering faculty and staff:


Lectures, Seminars & Workshops

A quick look at some upcoming learning opportunities for College of Engineering faculty and staff:

* Mark VanLandingham: "Materials Science and Engineering at NIST"

* MME Pierson Lecture: Peter Vorhees

* Professional Development Opportunity: "Tips for Dealing with Conflict, Chaos, and Change" Continue reading…

Calendar / Events.
Calendar / Events.

3/10: Mark VanLandingham seminar, “Materials Science and Engineering at NIST,” 3:30 p.m., Jorgenson 110

3/13: ECEC teaching workshop: "Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for College Courses," noon-1 p.m., Nebraska Hall W181A & PKI 150

3/17: MME Pierson Lecture, Peter Vorhees, “The Morphology and Topology of Nanoporous Metals,” 3:30 p.m., Jorgenson 110

3/20: Cappuccino & Cake Get-Together, 1 p.m., PKI 100A

3/20: COE Faculty and Staff Coffee Hour, 1 p.m., Ken Jones Welcome Center (Othmer Hall first floor)

3/26-27: UNL symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (EQUATE), Willa Cather Dining Complex, Red Cloud Rooms A, B & C. Agenda/registration:

4/3: ECEC teaching workshop: "CATME - An Educational tool for Creating Better Teams in Your Course," noon-1 p.m., Nebraska Hall W181A & PKI 150

Originally published March 10, 2020 - Submit an Item