The Center for Transformative Teaching is offering the Summer Institute for Online Teaching - a 3-week summer program from June 15 to July 2 that is focused on online teaching strategies. Registration is open through June 11. To register or for more information, click the link below.
The NASA Nebraska Space Grant's annual competition for mini-grant and fellowship funding is now open. The deadline for applications is today (June 30). The NASA Nebraska Space Grant Competition includes funds for research and higher education and is open to faculty and students.
The COE Update has published every other Tuesday through the summer, but will resume publishing regular weekly editions starting today (Tuesday, Aug. 4). If you have items to include in future editions, please contact Karl Vogel at
Wellness Committee is offering weekly resources to help staff deal with changes brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.
During the changes brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, the College of Engineering Staff Council’s Wellness Committee is hosting weekly "Mental Health Monday" and "Workout Wednesday" sessions. This article provides the most-recent of those resources.
Other Notes
If you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed about current events, psychological support is available. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available for counseling and consulting by Zoom and phone during the remote work structure. Schedule a Zoom or phone session with an EAP counselor by calling the EAP office at 402-472-3107 or 888-445-9881 or emailing