In this edition: Joe Luck is chosen to receive ISPA Young Scientist Award and explains the value of reducing spray drift in IANR Strategic Discussions for Nebraska article, and Iason Konstantzos is among Engineering faculty who received UNL grants for COVID-19-related research projects. Continue reading…
The Engineering and Computing Education Core's fall Excellence in Teaching Series begins Friday, Aug. 14 with a noon-1 p.m. session led by Heidi Diefes-Dux titled "Meaningful Teaming Instruction and Assessment anchored by CATME SMARTER Teamwork." Continue reading…
The final College of Engineering All-Staff Meetings scheduled throughout the summer will be today (Tuesday, Aug. 18), from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Staff can submit questions for Dean Lance C. Pérez. Continue reading…
The N-E Ride shuttle buses, which carry faculty, staff and students between the City and Scott Campuses, have resumed using the same schedule as last fall but with new COVID-19 restrictions. Continue reading…
Applications are now being solicited for the 2020-21 cohort of Faculty Fellows in the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center (NGTC), which fosters the interdisciplinary study of the changing relationship between law, technology, and society. Continue reading…
College of Engineering faculty are encouraged to consider applying for the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government's flagship international educational and cultural exchange program. The application deadline is Sept. 15. Continue reading…
Wellness Committee is offering weekly resources to help staff deal with changes brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.
During the changes brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, the College of Engineering Staff Council’s Wellness Committee is hosting weekly "Mental Health Monday" and "Workout Wednesday" sessions. This article provides the most-recent of those resources.
Other Notes
If you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed about current events, psychological support is available. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available for counseling and consulting by Zoom and phone during the remote work structure. Schedule a Zoom or phone session with an EAP counselor by calling the EAP office at 402-472-3107 or 888-445-9881 or emailing
Zoom is planning to make default settings changes that will impact higher education environments. For more information about these Zoom updates, visit the NU Information Technology Services website (link below) or contact the University Help Desk at or (402) 472-3970.
Faculty, staff and students are asked to help the college create a new welcome video to share on screens in Othmer Hall and PKI. Take a picture of yourself wearing a face covering (like this one from Nebraska Engineering) and send it to Annie Neuman at by Friday, August 21.
As a member of the university community, each of us can take the necessary steps to stay well and protect each other. Make the commitment to protect yourself and your community via the Cornhusker Commitment or the Maverick COVID Commitment. Continue reading…