Nebraska Engineering Tailgate is Saturday
Registration is now open - join us for food, fun and football on Saturday, Oct. 9 in Othmer Hall on City Campus for our Fall Tailgate.
The college is hosting the engineering tailgate for alumni, faculty, staff and friends before the Huskers take on the Michigan Wolverines. On the menu is delicious local barbecue, snacks and beverages.
The tailgate will begin at 3:30 p.m., three hours prior to kickoff. See the tailgate website for more information, including tours of the soon-to-be opened "Link."
Tickets for faculty and staff (and family members) are $5 each; children ages 6 and under are free. Payment can be made in advance or at the event.
Faculty and staff volunteers are also needed for the event, which includes free food and engineering swag. If you are interested in helping - either for set-up, during the event and/or tear-down - please contact Kathy Glenn at kglenn2@unl.edu by Wednesday for more details.