Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) will conduct a tractor-tanker vehicle crash on Wednesday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. to test a newly designed and significantly shorter concrete roadside barrier.
Researchers from the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) will conduct a tractor-tanker vehicle crash on Wednesday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. to test a newly designed and significantly shorter concrete roadside barrier. Those interested in the test can view it via Zoom by registering. Continue reading…
The college is collecting new or gently used blankets as part of the annual charitable drive. Blankets may be dropped off through Dec. 15 at the Dean’s Offices on City and Scott Campuses.
As part of the college's annual charitable drive, please consider donating new (or gently used) blankets. Blankets may be dropped off at the Dean's Offices on City Campus (114 Othmer Hall) and Scott Campus (100 PKI) until Wednesday, Dec. 15. Continue reading…
Nearly 1 in 3 university students worries about being able to afford food. The Husker Pantry provides free food, hygiene items and school supplies to students in need. Contribute to a food drive for Husker Pantry, sponsored by UNL Graduate Society of Women Engineers, runs through Dec. 10. Continue reading…
Nicholas A. Kotov, professor of chemical science and engineering at the University of Michigan, will present “Emergence of Complexity in Chiral Nanostructures” as the latest MME Distinguished Lecture, Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 2:30 p.m. in 110 Jorgensen Hall. Continue reading…
College of Engineering employees seeking alternative worksite arrangements for Spring 2022 and/or Summer 2022 should submit requests by Friday, Dec. 10 to Nancy Re – nre2@unl.edu – as stated in the college’s revised Alternative Worksite (AWS) Policy, which was revised effective Nov. 17. Continue reading…
W-2 forms for employees who elect to receive them electronically will be available via Firefly mid-January. Paper W-2 forms will be mailed by the end of January 2022. Please update your permanent address in SAP to ensure timely receipt of your W-2. Continue reading…
The Engineering Staff Council is seeking your input to help create community within the college through opportunities for greater access and inclusion for staff. Submit your comments, ideas or suggestions for the Staff Council at the link below.
Winter break is a good time to schedule an appointment at the University Health Center Dental Clinic. Faculty, staff and their dependents ages 16 and older are eligible to use the Dental Clinic. Most major dental insurance plans are accepted. Click link below to learn more about the Dental Clinic.