Mona Bavarian, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Nebraska, has received a $576,802 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program to develop an advanced manufacturing platform for polyme
Mona Bavarian, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has received a $576,802 grant from the National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development Program for research using artificial intelligence to develop an advanced manufacturing platform for polymer coatings.
The deadline is 5 p.m. today (Monday, March 6) to sign up for the college's International Women’s Day celebrations - which are 5-7 p.m. on both March 8 (City Campus) and March 9 (Scott Campus) - for students, faculty and staff. Continue reading…
The 2023 theme for International Women's Day on March 8 is #EmbraceEquity. The theme "aims to get the world talking about why 'equal opportunities are no longer enough.'" Share how you are embracing equity in the college with a personal hug photo - submit using the online form. Continue reading…
In the College of Engineering, all are welcome. To share how our faculty, staff, students and alumni are diverse in their many varying forms, we celebrate various heritage and other nationally recognized months. For Women's History Month in March, we encourage you to submit your stories!
A portion of Vine Street on City Campus will be closed on Tuesday, March 14, to allow for removal of the crane being used to construct Kiewit Hall.
Westbound lanes of Vine will be closed off starting at the Antelope Valley Roadway (AVR) intersection. The center, through lanes on Vine Street will be closed to divert westbound traffic either north or south on AVR. Traffic approaching Vine Street from either the north or south on AVR will be experience lane closures that will restrict access to westbound Vine.
For traffic approaching from the east, access to the A parking lot will be possible but signs will announce the road is closed to through traffic.
Come to Office Hours with NUtech Ventures & Office of Research and Economic Development Industry Relations team members from 2:30-4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21 in ERC D116. Gain support with intellectual property education & protection, entrepreneurship training, and industry collaboration tips. Continue reading…
Through March 24, COE Graduate Programs is accepting nominations for the college's 2023 Graduate Student Awards. Recipients will be awarded $500 and honored at the Graduate Recognition Reception on April 25. Details for each category can be found at the link below. Continue reading…
The next Durham School Lunch-and-Learn Presentation will be Friday, March 10 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. and will feature managers from JE Dunn Construction presenting, “Leverage Technology for Project Alignment.” Register by Wednesday to reserve a boxed lunch or for a Zoom link. Continue reading…
ORED is offering a grant writing seminar, “Write Winning Grant Proposals,” on March 10, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. Registration is required to attend. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Click link below for more information.
Friday, March 17 is the last day to register for the 2023 NSF Engineering CAREER Proposal Workshop, which will be held May 8, 9 & 12. Early career faculty will gain knowledge and strategies to formulate more-competitive CAREER proposals to submit in July 2023. Continue reading…