It's not too late to RSVP for the college tailgate on Saturday, Sept. 30 in Othmer Hall. And, if you’d like work at the event, contact JS Engebretson: The event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Continue reading…
Updates have been made to reserve College of Engineering-owned classrooms, conference rooms and event spaces via the university's EMS site, as well as to reserve university vehicles (City Campus) or the COE cars (Scott Campus). Continue reading…
The Engineering Machine Shop is now temporarily located in Room 47 Othmer Hall. The shop can provide limited machining capabilities, including 2 axis CNC milling, manual lathe turning, surface grinding, welding and small fabrication capabilities. Contact: Jim McManis 472-2555 /
The College of Engineering is hosting the 2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conference in Lincoln, Sept. 10-12, 2023. The deadline for registration has been extended until today (Monday, Aug. 28). Continue reading…
For Nebraska Volleyball Day (Wednesday, Aug. 30), UNL’s three Lincoln campuses will observe an instructional continuity day – most academic spaces and offices will be closed, classes will not meet in person, and parking will be restricted. Read the following article for more information. Continue reading…
Calendar for August 21, 2023.
Events of interest for College of Engineering faculty and staff: