Kiewit Hall, the College of Engineering's 182,000 square-foot hub for undergraduate education, opened today to usher in the spring semester and will redefine how academic spaces prepare the next generations of engineering students for career success.
The Staff Council is welcoming staff hired in the past year with events on both Scott (Wednesday, Jan. 24, 10-11:30 a.m., PKI room 250) and City (Wednesday, Feb. 7, 10-11:30 a.m., Ken Jones Center, Othmer Hall) Campuses. Meet/mingle with fellow staff members and enjoy snacks and coffee. Continue reading…
W-2 Forms for employees who elect to receive them electronically will be available via Firefly in mid-January 2024. Paper W-2 forms will be mailed by the end of January 2024. Employees should update their permanent address in Firefly to ensure timely receipt of their W-2.
Glow Big Red, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s sixth-annual 24 hours of giving, runs from noon on Wednesday, Feb. 14 through noon Thursday, Feb. 15, but you support the College of Engineering now by clicking the link below and choosing from organizations receiving donations. Continue reading…