Rebecca Wachs, assistant professor of biological systems engineering, earned a National Science Foundation CAREER award to support her development of a non-opioid treatment of back pain. (University Communication)
In this edition, Rebecca Wachs earns an NSF Early Career Program award for research to combat low-back pain, Dept. of Interior chooses Drone Amplified's IGNIS as "Made in America" innovation, and Jiong Hu discusses how potholes are formed and best repaired. Continue reading…
College of Engineering faculty and staff are invited to participate in a Strategic Planning engagement session April 3 (times vary) in the Willa Cather Dining Complex to help the college complete a comprehensive strategic plan, according to the goals laid out by Dean Pérez and the N150 Commission. Continue reading…
Faculty, staff and students are invited to ”I Love NU” Advocacy Day on Wednesday, March 27 from 9 a.m.-noon at the State Capitol. Show support for the University of Nebraska's four campuses, visit with your senator, share your personal story and wear your campus colors. Continue reading…
Rear Adm. Douglas J. McAneny, a 1978 civil engineering graduate and HDR Inc., federal business group president, was the College of Engineering’s honored alumnus for Alumni Masters Week. Listen to McAneny talk about his career on The Complete Engineering Podcast: Alumni Edition.
Mark your calendars for the College of Engineering Spring Picnic for all employees and families – Saturday, April 27 from 4-9 p.m. The picnic will be held at Walnut Grove Tree Farm, 19020 NW 12th St., near Raymond. More information and an RSVP form will be available soon.
In this edition: an update letter from NSF EEC division director Kon-Well Wang and a call for conference papers for the 2019 ASEE Midwest Section Conference. Continue reading…
In this edition, Chancellor Green is seeking faculty to participate in Commencement, EVCO hosting workshop on civil discourse, NUtech Ventures/Invest Nebraska hosting entrepreneurship mixer, Graduate Student Recognition event, MATC seeking interns, and ITS changes password policy. Continue reading…