CSE Bits & Bytes | CSE Welcomes: Jenna Gronewold

Jenna Gronewold
Jenna Gronewold

CSE Welcomes: Jenna Gronewold

The Computer Science and Engineering Department would like to welcome Jenna Gronewold. As CSE's new Administrative Coordinator, she is responsible for meeting with prospective and current students, editing the Bits and Bytes Newsletter, and managing the Student Resource Center. Continue reading…


Senior Exit Interviews

image001.pngSeniors graduating in December must schedule an Exit Interview with CSE. The interviews will be held from November 28th through December 9th. Please ensure that you schedule an appointment, as the interviews are mandatory for Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors prior to graduation. Continue reading…


Spotlight on Gregg Rothermel

Professor Gregg RothermelGregg Rothermel, Professor and Jensen Chair of Software Engineering, takes some time out from his research to answer questions about his current projects and the year he spent abroad for faculty development leave at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Taejon, South Korea. Continue reading…


2 New Jobs Added This Week

JobsInternships2.jpgWe are often notified of job and internship openings in the IT field from various companies. This week, we have new listings from State Studios and the UNL Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. Continue reading for more information on the latest announcements. Continue reading…

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/6er
Originally published November 30, 2011 - Submit an Item