NMSSI's Graduate Courses for Elementary Teachers
As a result of the NeSA-M, Nebraska's first statewide mathematics assessment, mathematics teachers at all grade levels are looking for new learning opportunities that support them in offering high quality mathematics courses to their students. The Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) offer graduate mathematics and pedagogy courses using a teacher-friendly delivery model that helps teachers respond to this challenge.
Please encourage teachers in your elementary school to consider registering for a course by forwarding to them this email highlighting four courses, or send them to our website, http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi, where they can browse the course catalog.
Four elementary courses offered at seven locations across the state are described below. Teachers can apply for the NMSSI Fellowship to assist them with the cost of tuition. The fellowship application is the last step in the enrollment process, which can be found summarized in four simple steps on our Web page: http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi.
Math 896: Algebraic Thinking for the K-4 Classroom
June 4-8, Grand Island (Section 951, Class # 3028), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Discussion will revolve around student understanding of Algebraic properties of mathematics as participants examine case studies, video segments and student work samples. Participants will explore instructional strategies for fostering Algebraic thinking that are appropriate for both the primary (K-2) and intermediate (3-5) elementary classrooms.
Math 896: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in the Elementary Classroom
June 18-22, in Norfolk (Section 952, Class # 3026) and in Omaha (Section 953, Class # 3365), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
July 9-13, Lincoln (Section 691, Class # 3029), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The course seeks to build a strong foundation for the teaching and communication of mathematical concepts by the hands-on development of critical-thinking skills via problem-solving experiences. It provides a guided opportunity for the implementation of problem-solving instruction that is aligned with the new Nebraska mathematics standards in both the primary (K-2) and intermediate (3-5) elementary classroom.
Teac 890: Responsive Instruction in the Mathematics Classroom
July 16-20, Lincoln (Section 691, Class # 7702), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The new Nebraska state and Common Core standards for mathematics are based largely on learning progressions. Knowledge of learning progressions provides teachers with a road-map for following children's progress as they develop understanding of a concept. Thus, the aim of this course is to familiarize elementary teachers with children's mathematical learning progressions in order to provide teachers with a way to analyze student thinking and respond with instruction that guides students through the next steps needed to advance and deepen understanding.
Math 800T: Math as a Second Language
June 4-8, in Ainsworth (Section 951, Class # 2007), in Hastings (Section 952, Class # 3378) and in Scottsbluff (Section 953, Class # 3379), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This course will help you align your teaching with the new Nebraska standards and the new Common Core standards in mathematics by focusing on the development of "habits of mind of a mathematical thinker". The approach is to understand arithmetic (number) and (introductory) algebra as a means of communicating mathematical ideas, and will stress a deep understanding of the basic operations of arithmetic, as well as the interconnected nature of arithmetic, algebra and geometry relating to the grades 3-7 curriculum.
NMSSI courses for elementary teachers are making a difference. These courses are designed to complement those that are a part of the Primarily Math program, courses which have been proven to increase elementary teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching. To see the research results, check out this article: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/csmce/860/5125.
Here are what teachers who took Math 896: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in the Elementary Classroom in Summer 2011 had to say about the benefits:
"I am leaving with fantastic resources. I have an understanding of the math and how to implement problem solving. I think the handouts are incredibly valuable."
"Looking at the NeSA and objective cards for second and fourth grade plus standards gives me a better idea of what they already know and where I need to get them."
Other courses for elementary teachers are also being offered this summer. Check the course catalog online for upper elementary/middle level course options.
Contact Lindsay Augustyn at laugustyn2@unl.edu with questions, or visit our website, http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi, for registration and tuition assistance information. We appreciate your support of teachers who want to continue to strengthen their mathematical knowledge for teaching.
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