Glow All In for the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education
Today begins the fundraiser Glow All In for Glow Big Red — 24 Hours of Husker Giving! From noon to noon on Feb. 17 and 18, Huskers near and far are encouraged to give back to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
The Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education is participating this year, and we have a new challenge! The first $5,000 in will be matched by CSMCE Director Jim Lewis. You can give any time until noon on Feb. 18 to have your donation count in this challenge.
The cost of graduate education can be a significant barrier to teachers. We created the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) in order to provide graduate courses during the summer, and the university responded by reducing the cost of tuition for math and science teachers who take NMSSI courses. With your support, the remaining costs of tuition and fees can be reduced further.
We invite teachers, school administrators, parents, and other Nebraska citizens to assist us in providing these professional development opportunities for teachers. We encourage you to donate to the Math Teachers for the 21st Century Expendable Fund, which supports fellowships for mathematics teachers who take NMSSI courses in mathematics and statistics, thereby helping reduce the cost of graduate education.
Since 2005, 484 teachers have earned a Master of Arts from our programs, and since 2010 another 471 teachers have received a K-3 Mathematics Specialist Certificate from Primarily Math. Nearly 3,000 teachers have taken a course through the NMSSI, not including courses paid for by grants. The CSMCE has employed almost 200 teachers to teach these courses through the years. Let's pay it forward!
Make a gift of $5 or more during this 24-hour period to support Husker students and help the university reach its goal of 2,500 gifts! If you make gifts totaling $60 or more, you’ll receive a cozy Nebraska scarf in thanks for your support of Glow Big Red!
Donate at: https://glowbigred.unl.edu/campaigns/center-for-science-mathematics-and-computer-education
Thank you!