Register now for NMSSI graduate courses
We are pleased to announce that the 20% tuition discount for current Nebraska classroom teachers has been approved for this summer for in-person and web conferencing courses in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes. Visit the course catalog here: https://go.unl.edu/nmssi-course-catalog-2022
Courses will be delivered in three formats: in person, web conferencing (live/synchronous on Zoom), and online (on-demand/asynchronous). If travel or in-person courses are not feasible for you, we encourage you to “learn in place” again and take advantage of web conferencing or online courses.
As follows are the courses available in mathematics, mathematics pedagogy and science, organized by grade level. Note: Times listed are approximate, as the live, whole-group hours on Zoom will fall within that window of time; we recommend you save the rest of the listed time for working in small groups on homework.
* Math 800P: Number & Operation for K-3 Math Specialists (Primarily Math program), June 6-15, M-F, 7:30 a.m.-noon, web conferencing
* Math 803P: Geometry, Measurement & Algebraic Thinking for K-3 Math Specialists (Primarily Math program), June 16-24, M-F, 7:30 a.m.-noon, web conferencing
* Math 804P: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for the Elementary Classroom, June 21-24 and June 27-July 1, M-F, 8 a.m.-noon, Avery Hall, UNL Campus
* Math 800T: Math as a Second Language, June 6-17, M-F, 8 a.m.-noon OR June 6-July 8, online (asynchronous)
* Math 802T: Functions, Algebra and Geometry, June 21-July 1, M-F, 1 p.m.-5 p.m., web conferencing
* Math 805T: Discrete Mathematics, June 6-10, M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Hastings, ESU 9
* Math 807T: Using Math to Understand our World, May 16-July 8, online
* Math 808T: Concepts of Calculus, July 11-15, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Kearney, ESU 10
* Math 893: History of Mathematics, June 21-24, 8am-5pm, Gretna (note: course will have readings in Canvas to complete the week of June 13-17)
* STAT 811T: Statistics for Middle-Level Teachers, June 13-17, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., web conferencing
* Math 805T: Discrete Mathematics, June 6-10, M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Hastings, ESU 9
* Math 807T: Using Math to Understand our World, May 16-July 8, online
* Math 808T: Concepts of Calculus, July 11-15, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Kearney, ESU 10
* Math 893: History of Mathematics, June 21-24, 8am-5pm, Gretna (note: course will have readings in Canvas to complete the week of June 13-17)
* Math 811T: Functions for High School Teachers, June 6-17, M-F, 8 a.m.-noon, web conferencing
* Math 812T: Geometry for Geometry Teachers, July 11-15, Avery Hall, UNL Campus
* TEAC 807B: Equitable Practices in Math Education: Teaching for Social Justice, June 21-July 1, M-F, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., web conferencing
* TEAC 849G: Assessment in Math Education, June 6-17, M-F, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., web conferencing
* TEAC 808J: Improvement of Instruction in School Mathematics, July 12-August 11, online
* GEOS 898: Weather, Climate and Climate Change, July 11-22, 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., web conferencing
Middle-level and secondary:
* ASTR 892: Life in the Universe for STEM Teachers, June 6-July 8, online and web conferencing (synchronous Zoom meetings from June 27-July 7, M-F, 9 a.m.-noon)
* BIOS 891: Modern Genetics & Inheritance, June 13-24, M-F, 1:30-3:30 p.m., web conferencing
* PHYS 892: Vectors in Introductory Physics, July 18-29, 9 a.m.-noon, Jorgensen Hall, UNL Campus (note: this course is only 2 credits)
* GEOS 898: Methods in Geoscience Field Instruction, June 11-26, travel (contact dharwood1@unl.edu to reserve a spot)
* NRES 898: CliMes: Teaching about Earth’s Changing Climate, June 13-17, 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., web conferencing workshop – contact cory.forbes@uta.edu to reserve a spot)
NMSSI Fellowships, typically $300 per course, can further reduce the cost of one course to $590.15 (in person outside of Lincoln), $793.15 (for in-person in Lincoln or via web conferencing), or one online asynchronous course to $896. In some cases, fellowships worth $500 are available. Note that (1) online asynchronous courses do not qualify for the 20% tuition discount and (2) web conferencing courses do not qualify for the University and Program Facilities Fees (UPFF) waiver.
Contact us at nebraskamath@unl.edu with questions.