NebraskaMATH Newsletter - October 2014

Nebraska Summit on Math and Science Education, Dec. 8
Nebraska Summit on Math and Science Education, Dec. 8

Register for Nebraska Summit on Math and Science Education

On Dec. 8, the Nebraska Summit on Math and Science Education will bring together leaders in math and science education to take stock of the strengths and challenges of Nebraska's educational system and how best to move forward to ensure a solid foundation for the state’s future citizens. Continue reading…


Aaberg wins 2015 Nebraska Teacher of the Year

Shelby AabergShelby Aaberg, a mathematics teacher at Scottsbluff High School and a Noyce Master Teaching Fellow, was named Nebraska 2015 Teacher of the Year on Oct. 10 during a surprise award presentation.
Nebraska Commissioner of Education Matt Blomstedt presented the award. Continue reading… for teachers

Check out the new site, for teachers. Directed by Math Education expert, Jo Boaler (Stanford University), the site provides free, high quality resources to teachers, parents, students and administrators. Keep reading for Youcubed's recommendation for good math apps. Continue reading…


Charter school issues

Check out this article on charter schools and factors affecting teacher turnover. While charter schools are not legal in Nebraska, it is interesting to see how they compare to public schools. Read this article and consider whether Nebraskans are missing out or making a wise choice.
Continue reading…


Math anxiety: What it does and what can be done

How can we do a better job of teaching kids math? A different curriculum? New pedagogical strategies? Personalized instruction through technology? All these worthy ideas have their adherents, but another method—reducing math anxiety—may both improve performance and help kids enjoy math more. Continue reading…


Mindsteps: The secret to staying motivated

Most of the time we talk about how to motivate our students. But, we rarely talk about how we can stay motivated ourselves. It’s not like as teachers we have this bottomless well of motivation. No matter how much we love what we do, everyone gets discouraged sometimes. Continue reading…

Originally published October 24, 2014 - Submit an Item