Mathematics educator, Jo Boaler, of Stanford University, recently created a video for parents on why students need common core math and the problems of 'advancement'. Check out this video and see what you think.
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Check out the new site, for teachers. Directed by Math Education expert, Jo Boaler (Stanford University), the site provides free, high quality resources to teachers, parents, students and administrators. Keep reading for Youcubed's recommendation for good math apps. Continue reading…
The October 2014 Phi Delta Kappan/Gallup poll shows a shift in what the public thinks about teachers. A recent blog post highlights a shift in public opinion from favoring to opposing the use of standardized test scores to evaluate teachers.
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Check out this article on charter schools and factors affecting teacher turnover. While charter schools are not legal in Nebraska, it is interesting to see how they compare to public schools. Read this article and consider whether Nebraskans are missing out or making a wise choice.
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