Exploration Insider
Exploration Insider is a monthly newsletter for Explore Center students, highlighting different majors, minors, and opportunities across campus. Continue reading…
Exploration Insider is a monthly newsletter for Explore Center students, highlighting different majors, minors, and opportunities across campus. Continue reading…
Do you want to learn more about a possible major, or investigate ways you can get more experience in a career? Are you looking for guidance in your job search process, interview tips, or someone to look over your resume or cover letter? Schedule an appointment with a career advisor! Continue reading…
Explore advertising, marketing & communications career pathways by hearing from and talking with various professionals and alumni. This informal event, featuring a panel & discussion round sessions, will allow you the opportunity to make meaningful connections and learn from industry professionals. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl.joinhandshake.com/stu/events/1504729
Undergraduates of all majors are encouraged to apply to become a Huskers CARE Peer Educator. Peer Educators are paid to lead prevention workshops on campus to raise awareness of sexual/relationship violence, stalking, and harassment and share resources. Apply by April 5 at go.unl.edu/hcpe Continue reading…
The College of Journalism and Mass Communications has three fall semester special topics courses open to all UNL majors—Sports Betting and the Media, Healthy Notions or Fakery Potions: Health Topics in the Media, and Broadcasting Audience Research and Analysis. Continue reading…
Explore banking careers with the Nebraska Bankers Association on April 19 from 8 - 10 a.m. in the Dinsdale Learning Commons, or from 12 - 2 p.m. in the College of Business! RSVP by Friday April 12 with the link below! Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.nebankers.org/unl-meet-banker-student.htmlThe College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) offers a wide variety of majors that prepare students to help individuals across the lifespan. The communication sciences and disorders major lays the groundwork for a career working with people who have communication difficulties. Continue reading…
More details at: https://cehs.unl.edu/secdTutoring is for everyone! Meet 1-on-1 or attend a weekly review session to improve your understanding of the course material and get your questions answered. See the full list of courses and schedule at https://business.unl.edu/tutor.
Minoring in broadcasting means being part of the next generation to take over the media landscape, whether producing a new podcast, creating content for social media, or leveling up your stream's production. Continue reading…
All are welcome to the Women in Economics Symposium Watch Party on April 4 from 4-8 p.m. in HLH 245. You'll hear about the personal journeys of some fascinating economists and what they anticipate the future of economics will hold. Plus, learn practical tips for picking a career path. RSVP at
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/n8v6Join the Accounting Department on Friday April 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside HLH 002 to learn about the UNL accounting program and visit with faculty and professionals, and enjoy a treat!
Still need to nail down your summer and fall plans? Swing by the Just In Time Fair to get connected with employers who still have available internships & job opportunities.
Date and Time: Thursday, April 11th, 2024, 2-4pm
Location: Nebraska Union Centennial & Ballroom Continue reading…
Career and Internships Fairs are scheduled throughout the month of February! Check out these resources to see how you can prepare. Continue reading…
Explore data science and analytics career pathways by hearing from and talking with various professionals and alumni at the Nebraska Union on April 18, 3:30PM-5:00PM. Continue reading…
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/events/2024/04/18/exploring-data-science-analytics-pathways/Explore full-time and part-time jobs at Nebraska-based high-growth companies, hear from startup founders & first employees, and grow your network at the Nebraska Startup Job Mixer on Friday, April 19. Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.linkedin.com/events/nebraskastartupjobmixer-ralston7167218276543004672/
Build communication-related skills through a minor designed to emphasize media, strategy, planning, and implementation in creative problem-solving. Continue reading…
Get ready for career fairs and interviews with free professional clothing. Stop By DIGS in HLH 102 to learn more! Continue reading…
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