Geology Undergraduate News

Important Academic Dates

Academic CalendarWednesday, October 28 - Last day to withdraw from one or more full-length Regular Academic Session courses for the term

Monday, October 26 through Tuesday, November 10 - Priority Enrollment for the Spring 2021 Semester and Spring 3-Week Session

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STEM Scholarship and Fellowship Deadlines

Pathways to ScienceAlthough it may seem early, fellowship deadlines are right around the corner – with many deadlines in October and early November for funding for the 2021-2022 academic year. Pathways to Science has resources available to help with these STEM funding opportunities. Continue reading…



Professor Richard KettlerIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your faculty advisor, Prof. Richard Kettler (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help.


The Academy in Action Presents: Policing & Racism

The Academy in Action Presents: Policing & RacismThe Academy in Action is an event series which bridges academic knowledge with action through the power of stories, and connections with on-the-ground change-makers. We are holding a panel event showcasing four experts from the Lincoln community invested in work on policing and racism. Continue reading…

Originally published October 13, 2020 - Submit an Item