Geology Undergraduate News

Academic Calendar

Academic CalendarOpen Registration for Summer Sessions 2022 Has Begun!

Friday, March 11 - Last day to change a full semester course registration to or from "Pass/No Pass"

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Dish It Up, In Solidarity with Ukraine

Dish It Up, In Solidarity with Ukraine A special edition of Dish It Up, In Solidarity with Ukraine will take place on Tuesday, March 8 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm via Zoom. Dish It Up is an interactive weekly conversation put on by OASIS where individuals can share, learn, and engage in civil discussions. Continue reading…


Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting

Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual MeetingNebraska Academy of Sciences will hold an annual meeting in Lincoln on April 22, 2002. The meeting will be in a hybrid (both in-person and zoom) mode. The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended to March 25. All Geology majors are encouraged to attend the Earth Sciences section. Continue reading…


Join the Nebraska Geological Society!

The Nebraska Geological SocietyNebraska Geological Society (NGS) welcomes students to join and provides free membership for the rest of 2022. This includes educational presentations via zoom; in-person meetings in April, September, and November; geology field trip; and optional social and business meetings. Continue reading…


Introduction to NASA Fellowships

Introduction to NASA FellowshipsThe NASA Nebraska Space Grant is pleased to announce the next round of applications for the Intro to NASA Fellowships. The Introduction to NASA Fellowships program targets freshman and sophomore students attending our academic affiliates across Nebraska. Applications are due March 18 by 5 pm! Continue reading…


UNL McNair Scholars Program

UNL McNair Scholars ProgramAre you a full-time student interested in pursuing graduate education with the ultimate goal of earning a PhD? The McNair Scholars Program was created with the goal of helping students conduct research, gain admission to graduate school, and earn their PhD degree. Application deadline is April 1st! Continue reading…


Summer 2022 Geography Field Tour

Summer 2022 Geography Field TourJoin UNL Geography this summer on for a 14-day period camping and exploring the Northern Rockies for an immersive experience learning about the human and physical geographies of the region!

Info meetings:
-Feb 24, 9:30-10:30am
-Mar 4, 9:30-10:30am Continue reading…

Originally published March 8, 2022 - Submit an Item