Get your custom-made PB&J in Andersen as part of CoJMC's J Days week!
Fundraiser is brought to you through the generous support Super Saver, Colby Ridge, Wonder Bread and Ideal Grocery.
All proceeds will benefit the UNL Public Relations Student Society of America. We appreciate your support! Continue reading…
The J Days program is available online. You may download it if you like; share it with your family and friends; tweet it or Facebook it.
Celebrate the success of your peers, faculty and staff. Continue reading…
Your favorite non-profit student-run radio station. 5 bands. 1 DJ. 3 local designers. 18 models. It's the annual KRNU benefit show.
Doors open at 8. Starting at 9 The Betties and touring band Cameron McGill and What Army will start the night folk style.
At 10.30 local designers Jaclyn Geist, Jenna Continue reading…