College of Journalism & Mass Communications

CoJMC classes team up with community building efforts

Students in journalism and broadcast news classes are reporting on the people and issues in the neighborhoods while broadcast production, advertising and public relations students are formulating communication strategies and creating content. When Collective Impact Lincoln launched a canvassing and community building effort in the city’s six most economically challenged neighborhoods, College of Journalism and Mass Communications faculty saw an opportunity to immerse students from all of its majors in a hands-on civic engagement project. Continue reading…


CoJMC launches media analytics lab

Jones developed the Digital Insight and Analytics class in 2011 and has been teaching it ever since.
CoJMC professor Valerie Jones is launching the CoJMC’s first-ever Media Analytics Lab. The goal of the lab is to allow students to apply classroom knowledge and provide insights to clients based on the data they find. Continue reading…

Originally published October 11, 2018 - Submit an Item